Welcome 2016! As we get ready to ring in the New Year (yes, literally), we wish you all good health and happiness. May the year ahead bring you the blessings of love, friendship and peace, and all the other good things you’ve been hoping for.

In the traditional way, we’ll welcome 2016 and greet the new year with our handbell version of Auld Lang Syne. We recorded this 8-bell duet in a hotel room in England during a visit there. If you’d like to play this arrangement as you say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new, you can find the music on our music site, Choraegus. The sheet music is free to download, and straightforward for 2-4 ringers to play. And if you’re making a New Year’s Resolution to play more handbell music, you’ll find other free arrangements to download. There are also lots of other pieces for small ensembles and full choirs, all available to download and print. No more waiting for music scores to arrive in the mail!
Any questions?
If you have any questions about buying, downloading or playing Choraegus handbell music, please get in touch with us. Have a wonderful and happy start to the new year. Welcome 2016!