We’ve pulled a couple of handbell duet videos out of the archives this week! After a performance some time ago (remember that long-ago time when we used to give regular handbell performances?) an audience member jokingly asked us if we ever played anything “really difficult… like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” At the time, we didn’t have an 8-bell arrangement of that piece… so Twinkle Samba was born. It’s a fun challenge to play, and requires a bit of concentration to keep the rhythm going, and still play the melody!
This video was recorded in the spring of 2020. A lot has happened since then, including Larry’s shoulder surgery and (ongoing) cancer treatment, and the global pandemic that put a stop to most of our handbell duet performances. Until very recently, we forgot that we’d ever recorded this video, so it’s definitely time to make this piece available to anyone else who wants to play it!
Where to find the Twinkle Samba sheet music
If you’d like to play Twinkle Samba, the sheet music is available from Choraegus. Please remember that when you purchase music from Choraegus, the score will come to you as a PDF file for you to download and print yourself. You won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement will entitle you to print up to 4 copies for your handbell group. Purchase also gives no-fuss permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and online video-sharing. If this is your first time buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide. We designed this guide to take you through the process in a stress-free way!
But what about the FREE handbell music?
There’s also a free version of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, available to download from the Freebies section of our music site. You’ll also find free music for several other children’s songs, and a hymn – and there will be more free music coming soon. There are also printable covers for anyone who’s storing their 8-bell music in binders.
Here’s a demonstration video Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. It’s a lot more straightforward than Twinkle Samba!
To get your free sheet music, add Twinkle, Twinkle to your cart on the Choraegus site, and click on the yellow “Check out with PayPal” button (don’t worry; PayPal won’t ask you to make any payment). Enter your details, and click “Confirm Order” (there’s no need to click on the PayPal button a second time). Then check your email inbox! If the download link doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder, and it might be there. If anything goes wrong, please let us know, and we’ll find another way to get your music to you.
There’s no obligation to make any other purchase from Choraegus to get the free handbell music. Of course, we hope you’ll take a look at the other titles we have to offer, but if you’d rather just grab the free music and go, we don’t mind at all. It’s a good way to try our 8-bell music without having to spend any money, or to test the process of downloading our music if you haven’t tried it before. 8-bell music is a great way for a duo, trio or quartet to play music with no bell changes; completely suitable for social distancing!
Any questions?
If you have any questions about buying or playing Choraegus handbell music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions, in case the answer is there. If you don’t find the information you seek, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help!