While on the Sea is a traditional Ukrainian folk hymn. The original title is Страшно бушует житейское море, but the English title is the only one we can pronounce! We’re thankful to Stephan Bilak (1926-2004) for the English translation:
“While on the sea, hear the terrible roaring!
See how the boat of my life rolls with me;
In fear of death and in deepest of anguish,
Lord, hear my prayer, watch my soul on the sea.“
(This translation ©1974 Abilene Christian University Press)
The hymn is hauntingly beautiful, often sung a cappella without accompaniment – as a prayer to God for protection from the stormy waters of life. There are videos on YouTube, where you can listen to it sung in the original language.
About our arrangement of While on the Sea
Our arrangement is for 8 handbells and piano. The sheet music is available to purchase and download from Choraegus, our music site. An mp3 accompaniment track is also available to purchase separately. This can be useful if you don’t have an available accompanist, or for rehearsing at home.
Choraegus is donating all proceeds from this arrangement to UNICEF. When you purchase the sheet music, you’ll be helping to support the relief effort for children and families in Ukraine. Please help us to spread the word, by sharing the video with your friends in the handbell world!
More information about Choraegus handbell music
Our music is designed to be downloaded as PDFs. You’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchasing an 8-bell arrangement allows you to print and maintain up to four copies for your handbell group (plus the accompaniment score). Purchase also gives permission for recording, broadcasting, live-streaming and sharing on video-sharing sites and social media. See our licensing agreement for full details. Please remember to mention the title (While on the Sea) and arranger of the piece (Larry Sue) on video-sharing sites and social media, and in any printed materials such as church service bulletins.
If you record your group playing any of our music, we’d love to see your videos!
If you haven’t purchased music online from Choraegus before, you might like to look at our step-by-step guide. We designed this to help you navigate the purchase and download process in a (we hope!) stress-free way.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. Please contact us if you don’t find the answers you need, and we’ll be happy to help!