Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s our third one together since we closed the distance in August 2012!

Of course, we like to think that all you need is love and music, but that’s not exactly true. Coffee, for example. And who can live without cheese? Also a passport and visa, if you’re in a long-distance relationship. And great communication skills, a reliable internet connection and phone signal, and seemingly-endless patience. These last few things aren’t always easy to find, but they help a lot. If you’ve been following us on our Facebook page, you’ll know about some of the things we had to go through in our long-distance relationship. Being away from each other was a huge challenge, but now that we’re together in the same place, we’re glad we didn’t give up. Now we can say “Happy Valentine’s Day” face-to-face instead of on a computer screen… and we know that all the waiting was worthwhile.
Wherever you are in your own relationship, we wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day. If you have your partner beside you, and everything you need, that’s wonderful. If you’re still waiting for all the good things to come to you, hang in there. True love is worth waiting for.