New Music for Handbells – Klein Vogelijn

Klein Vogelijn – “Little Bird”. Since moving to Holland, Michigan, we’ve enjoyed seeing how the people here still celebrate their Dutch heritage today. We’ve tried on traditional Klompen (wooden shoes) and watched them being made. We’ve had several tours of the De Zwaan windmill, and we’ve tiptoed through the tulips at the city’s annual Tulip Time event.

Klein Vogelijn - handbells
Tulip Time in Holland, Michigan

We’ve eaten Dutch food, and even risked the Michigan December weather to play Christmas handbell duets at the wonderful Kerstmarkt in Downtown Holland. We’ve been living here for nearly two years now, and we thought it was time for a new adventure – Dutch music!

Our first Dutch piece is an arrangement of the traditional song Klein Vogelijn. We performed this piece for the first time at our concert on Mackinac Island, for the opening of the Handbell Musicians of America Area 5 spring festival. Our video is from a rehearsal at the beginning of the year.

We’re looking forward to expanding our repertoire of traditional Dutch music over the next few months!

Would you like to play this piece?

If you’d like to play Klein Vogelijn, the sheet music is available for purchase and download from Choraegus.

Please note that Choraegus handbell music is designed to be downloaded and printed at home. Don’t wait for anything to arrive in the mail! If you’re new to buying our music online, we recommend our step-by-step guide. We designed this guide to help make the process (we hope!) a stress-free experience!

When you buy 8-bell music, your purchase entitles you to print up to 4 copies of the sheet music for your handbell group. Don’t pay for more music than you need! Purchase also gives permission for you to perform this piece and make a video of your group playing it.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our handbell music, please read our Frequently-Asked Questions first. However, if you don’t find the answers you need, you’re welcome to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help!

The 2018 Downtown Holland Street Performer Series

Downtown Holland Handbell Duo

Larry and Carla at the Downtown Holland Street Performer Series

Larry and Carla will be playing handbell duets as part of the 2018 Downtown Holland Street Performer Series. Look for us outside R.I.T. Music on August 9th!

This event is sponsored by the Gentex Corporation and supported by Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs through the Holland Area Arts Council.

The 2018 Downtown Holland Street Performer Series

Downtown Holland Handbell Duo

Larry and Carla at the Downtown Holland Street Performer Series

Larry and Carla will be playing handbell duets as part of the 2018 Downtown Holland Street Performer Series. Look for us outside Tin Ceiling on July 5th!

We’ll also be performing outside Resthaven Warm Friend on July 19th, and outside R.I.T. Music on August 9th.

This event is sponsored by the Gentex Corporation and supported by Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs through the Holland Area Arts Council.

Handbell Duets – Ladies’ Christmas Event (Private Event)

November 29 at 7:30 am 8:30 pm EST

Sallie Bender Guild Christmas handbells Larry and Carla will be presenting a program of Christmas handbell duets at this annual Ladies’ Christmas event in Byron Center, Michigan.


November 29
7:30 am – 8:30 pm EST
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Handbell Duets at the 2019 Great Lakes Regional Convention of the AGO

July 2 at 9:00 am 11:00 am EDT

Larry and Carla will present a demonstration of handbell duets at a reception with coffee and snacks, for guests at the 2019 Great Lakes Regional Convention of the American Guild of Organists. This event will take place at Third Reformed Church of Holland, at 9:00am and again at 10:00am.


July 2
9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
Event Categories:
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Third Reformed Church

111 W 13th St
Holland, MI 49423 United States
+ Google Map