Handbell music at a Wedding in Connecticut

We’ve just returned home from a very long road-trip, all the way from West Michigan to Connecticut and back. We went there for the best-possible reason – for the marriage of two of our friends. It’s been a long time since we played handbell music at a wedding!

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had very few opportunities for road-trips and handbell performances in the last year or so. You can imagine our excitement when we received first a “Save the Date” card, followed by an invitation, for a wedding in Connecticut!

handbell music wedding

A connection made on Facebook!

The bride and groom are a long-distance couple who connected with us on Facebook around ten years ago. At that time, we were still in our own long-distance relationship. Over the years, we’ve connected with a lot of long-distance couples who have contacted us on our Facebook page. Some people reach out to us for one-time advice or support, and we never hear from them again afterwards. However, some couples continue to stay in touch with us, and we’re happy to count them as friends, as we’ve been through similar experiences. It means a lot to us when people share their stories with us, as we shared our long-distance relationship story during the time we were apart.

The bride contacted us on Facebook a few months ago, and asked us if we’d be able to play some handbell duets after their wedding ceremony, to welcome the happy couple and their guests as they left the church. She particularly requested Amazing Grace, so we put together a small selection of hymns and classical music.

Playing handbells outdoors can be interesting!

The day of the wedding dawned dull and cloudy, and we had some concerns about playing outside if it rained. Fortunately the weather stayed dry, if a little windy! As we were attending the wedding primarily as guests, we didn’t want to miss the ceremony, so we stayed until after the vows and rings were exchanged. Then we quickly left the church, and took our bells and equipment down the stairs. We were ready to play in plenty of time for the door to open and the guests to start appearing.

The unexpected challenge of playing handbells in a suit

We coped pretty well with the gusty breeze. When we play outdoors, we’re always thankful for the sheet of plastic that goes over the top of our music to hold it in place! The unexpected challenge turned out to be playing handbells while wearing a suit. As a t-shirt enthusiast, Larry’s not very often seen wearing a suit; in fact this was the first time he’d worn one in more than a decade. Our usual duet performance attire doesn’t involve a suit, and it took a few moments for Larry to adjust his technique so that he didn’t create a “zinging” sound when a bell occasionally collided with a button! Still, all-in-all, the music went very well, and the wedding guests enjoyed it. We received lots of positive comments at the reception afterwards!

Would you like us to play handbells at your wedding?

If you’re hearing wedding bells, and you’d like to find out more about having handbell music for your ceremony, please contact us to find out more about our music, fees and availability. Handbells can be a magical addition to any wedding day!

Sunrise – a Hymn Tune for 3 or 5 Octave Handbells

The hymn tune SUNRISE was first published in the 1768 Supplementum to the Luxembourg Kyriale. In more recent times, it has been used as the tune for William Bright’s hymn At Thy Feet, O Christ We Lay. In 1978, John Richards also used it for his hymn Spirit, Working in Creation. Here’s our arrangement for 3 or 5 octaves of handbells, also referred to in our house as “that peck-peck tune”, because of the treble thumb-damps!

More information about Sunrise (Kyriale)

SUNRISE is arranged for 3 or 5 octaves of handbells, with 2 octaves of (optional) handchimes. It’s a Level 2+ arrangement. If you’d like to play this piece, the sheet music is available to download from Choraegus.

Things to know about Choraegus handbell music

When you buy handbell music from Choraegus, the music score will come to you as a PDF file. That means you’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. When you’ve downloaded your music, your one-time payment (for the full-choir copy) entitles you to print up to 15 copies for your group. Please read our licensing agreement for full information about this. If you’re new to buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide. We designed this to take you through the process in a (we hope) stress-free way!

Purchasing this arrangement gives you no-fuss permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and online video-sharing. Please take some time to read about what you’re allowed to do with Choraegus handbell music. In these times of live-streaming and online worship services, it’s particularly important that we all understand and follow the laws concerning performance licensing and copyright.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about buying or playing Choraegus handbell music, please look at our Frequently-Asked Questions. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Sunrise hymn tune

Handbells at the Holland Kerstmarkt

December 10 at 5:00 pm 7:00 pm EST

We’re looking forward to playing handbells at the Holland Kerstmarkt again in 2021!

Handbell duo Larry and Carla will again be playing traditional Christmas handbell music at the Kerstmarkt. This is an annual open-air European-style Christmas market located at the 8th Street Marketplace in Downtown Holland. Come and listen to beautiful festive music as you shop for unique, handcrafted gifts and locally-made holiday treats. Coffee and hot cider will be available to help you stay warm!

We’ve been fortunate that the weather has been kind to us every time we’ve played at this annual event. Thankfully, we haven’t had to cope with the kind of extreme cold that would make what we do impossible. Handbells generally don’t appreciate cold temperatures. We notice the change in the sound of the bells when we play outdoors in winter, but the worst of the weather generally seems to wait until after Christmas! Most of the Kerstmarkt is under cover, so you can shop for gifts comfortably there. The market is located in Downtown Holland, so there are plenty of shops and restaurants close by. Here’s a video of one of our performances from the 2018 Kerstmarkt:

We played handbells at the Holland Kerstmarkt in 2020, and the masks proved surprisingly good at keeping our faces warm!

handbells at the Holland Kerstmarkt

The market is at its most festive after dark. We hope to see you there in 2021!

Handbells at the Holland Kerstmarkt

Kerstmarkt – Holland

150 W 8th St
Holland, MI 49423 United States
+ Google Map
Free The event is free to attend, but tips for the musicians are always appreciated!

Handbells at the Kerstmarkt – Holland

November 26 at 3:00 pm 5:00 pm EST

We’re looking forward to playing handbells at the Kerstmarkt again in 2021!

Handbell duo Larry and Carla will be playing traditional Christmas handbell music at the Kerstmarkt – an open-air European-style Christmas market located at the 8th Street Marketplace in Downtown Holland. Come and listen to beautiful festive music as you shop for unique, handcrafted gifts and locally-made holiday treats. Coffee and hot cider will be available to help you stay warm!

We’ve been fortunate that the weather has been kind to us every time we’ve played at this annual event. Thankfully, we haven’t had to cope with the kind of extreme cold that would make what we do impossible. Handbells generally don’t appreciate cold temperatures. We notice the change in the sound of the bells when we play outdoors in winter, but the worst of the weather generally seems to wait until after Christmas! Most of the Kerstmarkt is under cover, so you can shop for gifts comfortably there. The market is located in Downtown Holland, so there are plenty of shops and restaurants close by. Here’s a video of one of our performances from the 2017 Kerstmarkt:

We played handbells at the Kerstmarkt in 2020, and the masks proved surprisingly good at keeping our faces warm!

The market is at its most festive after dark. We hope to see you there in 2021!

Free The event is free to attend, but tips for the musicians are always appreciated!
Handbells at the Kerstmarkt

Kerstmarkt – Holland

150 W 8th St
Holland, MI 49423 United States
+ Google Map

Peace – for Handbells, 3-5 Octaves

It often seems as if the world is full of so much violence, and our own lives are more stress-filled than we’d like them to be. Sometimes we just long for a bit of peace! In our house, that can mean sitting down with a cup of tea in front of the TV, but sometimes playing music is exactly what’s needed.

Peace is an original composition for 3-5 octaves of handbells, with optional handchimes. It’s a Level 2+ arrangement, and fairly straightforward to play. This video was one of the first 3-octave pieces we put together. It was a sight-read, with no rehearsing beforehand, but the notes all seem to be there, so you’ll get the idea.

Where to get the sheet music

Peace is suitable for secular performances, as well as for worship services. If you’d like to this original composition, the sheet music is available to download from Choraegus.

Choraegus handbell music is designed to be downloaded as a PDF file. That means you’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. When you’ve downloaded your music, your one-time payment (provided you bought the choir version) entitles you to print out up to 15 copies for your group. Please read our licensing agreement for full information. If you’re new to buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide!

If you enjoyed Peace, you might also enjoy another of Larry’s original compositions, Newness! Purchase of either of these pieces gives you the benefit of our no-fuss permissions for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and online video-sharing – so you won’t need to apply for a separate licence for any of these.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about buying or playing our music, please look at the Frequently-Asked Questions first. If you don’t find the information you need, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

peace handbells

Twinkle Samba, and FREE 8-Bell music!

We’ve pulled a couple of handbell duet videos out of the archives this week! After a performance some time ago (remember that long-ago time when we used to give regular handbell performances?) an audience member jokingly asked us if we ever played anything “really difficult… like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” At the time, we didn’t have an 8-bell arrangement of that piece… so Twinkle Samba was born. It’s a fun challenge to play, and requires a bit of concentration to keep the rhythm going, and still play the melody!

This video was recorded in the spring of 2020. A lot has happened since then, including Larry’s shoulder surgery and (ongoing) cancer treatment, and the global pandemic that put a stop to most of our handbell duet performances. Until very recently, we forgot that we’d ever recorded this video, so it’s definitely time to make this piece available to anyone else who wants to play it!

Where to find the Twinkle Samba sheet music

If you’d like to play Twinkle Samba, the sheet music is available from Choraegus. Please remember that when you purchase music from Choraegus, the score will come to you as a PDF file for you to download and print yourself. You won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement will entitle you to print up to 4 copies for your handbell group. Purchase also gives no-fuss permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and online video-sharing. If this is your first time buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide. We designed this guide to take you through the process in a stress-free way!

But what about the FREE handbell music?

There’s also a free version of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, available to download from the Freebies section of our music site. You’ll also find free music for several other children’s songs, and a hymn – and there will be more free music coming soon. There are also printable covers for anyone who’s storing their 8-bell music in binders.

Here’s a demonstration video Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. It’s a lot more straightforward than Twinkle Samba!

To get your free sheet music, add Twinkle, Twinkle to your cart on the Choraegus site, and click on the yellow “Check out with PayPal” button (don’t worry; PayPal won’t ask you to make any payment). Enter your details, and click “Confirm Order” (there’s no need to click on the PayPal button a second time). Then check your email inbox! If the download link doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder, and it might be there. If anything goes wrong, please let us know, and we’ll find another way to get your music to you.

There’s no obligation to make any other purchase from Choraegus to get the free handbell music. Of course, we hope you’ll take a look at the other titles we have to offer, but if you’d rather just grab the free music and go, we don’t mind at all. It’s a good way to try our 8-bell music without having to spend any money, or to test the process of downloading our music if you haven’t tried it before. 8-bell music is a great way for a duo, trio or quartet to play music with no bell changes; completely suitable for social distancing!

Any questions?

If you have any questions about buying or playing Choraegus handbell music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions, in case the answer is there. If you don’t find the information you seek, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help!

free 8-bell music
Our handbell music in binders at an 8-bell music class in Omaha, Nebraska – 2018

Happy – for Handbells, 3-5 Octaves

Happy – for handbells, 3-5 octaves – is one of our recent “just the two of us” recording projects. We played the 5-octave version this time, and added the cajón too – a box-shaped percussion instrument, originally from Peru. For anyone interested, Larry’s cajón is the El Guapo from Malmark Bellcraftsmen.

Larry originally wrote Happy for the Low Ding Zone Murder Mystery shows in early 2013. It has that 1920s flavor, and was a lot of fun to play — both as the original bass piece, and more recently as a 3-5 octave full-choir piece. As with all our put-together full-choir videos, we recorded it without rehearsing first, so please think of any minor inaccuracies as “adding character”!

More information about the music

Happy is an original Level 4 composition for 3-5 octaves of handbells, with optional handchimes — F6, G6, G#6, A6, B6, and C6. The sheet music is available to download from Choraegus.

Choraegus handbell music is designed to be downloaded as a PDF file. That means you’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. When you’ve downloaded your music, your one-time payment (for the full-choir score) entitles you to print out up to 15 copies for your group. Please read our licensing agreement for full information. If you’re new to buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide!

Any questions?

If you have any questions about buying or playing our music, please look at the Frequently-Asked Questions first. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Happy - for handbells

The Heavens Declare Your Glory – for Handbells

The heavens declare your glory, the firmament your power;
day unto day the story repeats from hour to hour.
Night unto night replying, proclaims in every land,
O LORD, with voice undying, the wonders of your hand.

The Heavens Declare Your Glory is the hymn tune FAITHFUL, written by J.S. Bach. We enjoyed putting together this arrangement for 3-5 octaves of handbells! With lots of opportunity for mallets in the bass, a lively beginning and ending, and a thoughtful and contemplative middle section, there’s plenty in this piece to keep your ringers and audience entertained!

How to get the music, and more information about Choraegus

The Heavens Declare Your Glory is a Level 3 arrangement, for 3-5 octaves of handbells. If you’d like to play it, the sheet music is available to download from Choraegus.

When you buy handbell music from Choraegus, the music score will come to you as a PDF file. That means you’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. When you’ve downloaded your music, your one-time payment (for the full-choir copy) entitles you to print up to 15 copies for your group. Please read our licensing agreement for full information about this. If you’re new to buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide, which we designed to take you through the process in a stress-free way!

Purchasing this 3-5 octave arrangement gives you no-fuss permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and online video-sharing, as part of a performance or worship service.

Any questions about buying or playing our music?

If you have any questions for us, please look at the Frequently-Asked Questions first, in case the answer is there. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

The Heavens Declare Your Glory handbells

Kingsfold – for Handbells, 3-5 Octaves

Kingsfold is a folk tune that’s thought to date back to the Middle Ages. It’s a tune used for a variety of texts, both sacred and secular. As a folk song, you might know it as Dives and Lazarus or The Star of the County Down. In worship, it’s sung as the popular hymn I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, and also as When Jesus Walked Upon This Earth. For Christmas, it’s the setting for O Sing a Song of Bethlehem. Our arrangement of Kingsfold for handbells and optional handchimes is a very versatile piece!

We enjoyed putting this video together. Playing 3-5 octave music has been a good way to keep up our ringing skills during a time when duet performances haven’t really been happening. The urge to rehearse for events that aren’t taking place… well, it just isn’t there. So these “full choir” videos have been a fun alternative for us!

More information about Kingsfold

Kingsfold is for 3-5 octaves of handbells, with optional 2-octave handchimes. If you’d like to play it, the sheet music is available to download from Choraegus.

When you buy Choraegus handbell music, the music score will come to you as a PDF file. That means you’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. When you’ve downloaded your music, your one-time payment entitles you to print up to 15 copies for your group. Please read our licensing agreement for full information. If you’re new to buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide, which we designed to take you through the process in a stress-free way!

Other versions of this piece

An unaccompanied arrangement for 8 handbells

An arrangement for 6 handbells and piano

Any questions?

If you have any questions about buying or playing our music, please look at the Frequently-Asked Questions first. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Kingsfold for handbells

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

“God be with you till we meet again,
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you,
God be with you till we meet again.”

God Be With You Till We Meet Again is our latest arrangement for 16 handbells. We were reminded of this hymn recently, when we drove up north to Bay View and walked in the Memorial Gardens there. Bay View (near Petoskey) is where the annual Week of Handbells takes place, and where we spend a week each year gathering with friends old and new, to rehearse and perform handbell music in a beautiful lakeside setting. Our recent visit was a particularly poignant one, as we’d just heard about the passing of Maestro Carl Wiltse, who directed the Bay View Week of Handbells for many years.

Last year’s Week of Handbells was cancelled because of the pandemic — and, sadly, the 2021 event has been cancelled too. We now have to wait until 2022 to see many of our Bay View friends again. Given the amount of preparation time that goes into this annual event, it was the wisest decision, but we’re looking forward to a joyful reunion next year.

God Be With You Till We Meet Again was written by Jeremiah Rankin in 1882. He composed it so his church choir could have something to sing as they said their goodbyes each week. It has become a popular hymn to sing at gatherings, and it’s traditionally sung at the final Sunday Vespers at Bay View every August, as the music season draws to a close and visitors bid their farewells until the next year.

Suitable for socially-distant handbell ensembles

If your handbell ensemble is observing social distancing, our 16-bell arrangements could be useful. God Be With You Till We Meet Again has no bell changes, and needs no bell-sharing. It’s suitable for up to 8 ringers to play, and doesn’t require any techniques that need tables or foam.

If you’d like to play this arrangement, the sheet music is available to purchase, download and print from Choraegus

More information about Choraegus handbell music

Purchasing this arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to eight copies for your handbell group. Don’t pay for more copies than you need! Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details. In addition, please mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

Please note that our sheet music is designed to be downloaded as PDFs. You’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail.

If you haven’t purchased music online from Choraegus before, you might like to look at our step-by-step guide, designed to help you navigate the purchase and download process in a (we hope!) stress-free way.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. Please contact us if you don’t find the information you need, and we’ll be happy to help!

God Be With You Till We Meet Again - handbells