We’re looking forward to the Bay View Week of Handbells 2022. More than 100 handbell musicians will be performing some beautiful and challenging music under the baton of director Fred Gramann.
The 2020 and 2021 events had to be cancelled because of the pandemic. This year’s event will be a happy reunion for so many of the handbell musicians! For the last two years, smaller handbell events have taken place on the Bay View campus, including duet performances. This year, we’re all thankful to be able to offer the traditional concert in the John M. Hall Auditorium again.
Here’s a photo of the small gathering at Bay View in 2021:
Here’s an example of the type of music you’ll hear at the concert in the auditorium. This is Larry’s original composition A Minor Crash, performed by the musicians at the 2019 Week of Handbells:
The concert for the Bay View Week of Handbells 2022 will be held on Thursday, August 18th, at 7:30pm. The venue will be the John M. Hall Auditorium, 1715 Encampment Avenue, Petoskey, Michigan.
Admission is free, and an offering will be taken to benefit the Bay View Association Music Scholarship Fund. There’s no need to book tickets in advance, but you should plan to arrive in plenty of time. It’s always a popular concert!
Bay View Week of Handbells venue – The John M Hall Auditorium
John M. Hall Auditorium
1725 Encampment Ave Petoskey,
MI 49770United States+ Google Map
You can now watch the Kalamazoo Ringers’ Christmas concert On a Winter’s Night on YouTube! If you missed the live-stream on Facebook, you can now catch up at your leisure. The whole concert is available to watch on the Kalamazoo Ringers’ official YouTube channel:
There are also individual videos of each of the concert performances, so you can catch up with your favorites, and share the videos with your friends and on social media.
We were honored that the concert contained several Choraegus handbell arrangements:
We enjoyed playing this 16-bell piece with Rhonda and Martha – in our house in Holland, Michigan! The beauty of a small-ensemble concert is being able to rehearse and record in smaller venues, and it’s fun to invite the audience into our homes for a short while.
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
This is a very recent arrangement – so new that we haven’t even published it yet. It’s an interesting twist on the Divinum Mysterium plainchant melody, familiar to many handbell ringers because of Fred Gramann’s famous arrangement. This is a quirky and fun arrangement, with the addition of a cajón part. We decided that a Kalamazoo Ringers Christmas concert was a good reason/excuse to put a recording together. If all goes to plan, the sheet music will be available to purchase from Choraegus in May 2022.
Wexford Carol is another of our 16-bell arrangements. It’s a traditional Irish carol that’s full of dissonance and rich chords. This arrangement has been popular with Choraegus customers this year! Rhonda and Martha joined us for this performance.
This 8-bell arrangement of the Huron Carol lends itself well to bass handbells! We met with Rhonda and John to rehearse and perform Matthew Prins’s arrangement of Fum, Fum, Fum. At the last minute, we decided it could be fun to drop this one a couple of octaves and see how it would sound. We think it worked well!
We’ve been playing this 8-bell arrangement for several years now, and always enjoy it. It brings back happy memories of a fun Christmas performance in California in 2014! We were thankful for the opportunity to record it again fo this year’s Kalamazoo Ringers Christmas concert.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
This is another recent arrangement from Choraegus. It’s pure fun to play! It has mixed meters, a lively feel, and a challenging flute addition. Our talented Holland-neighbors Martha and Gary Matthews joined us for this performance. We’ll be publishing this one in spring or summer 2022, along with a 5-octave version!
We hope that the Kalamazoo Ringers will be able to get back to in-person rehearsals and concerts in 2022. In some ways, the group’s time apart has been good for us; we’ve all been able to develop our skills in small-ensemble ringing. Having said that, we’re all very much looking forward to being able to make music together again!
If you have questions about any of the Choraegus music from the Kalamazoo Ringers’ Christmas concert, please get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to help! We encourage you to share the Christmas concert videos with your friends, and we hope to see many of you at one of the Kalamazoo Ringers’ concerts in 2022!
If you need a handbell performance for Christmas 2021, it might be a good idea to book soon! After last year’s very quiet holiday season, it’s encouraging to see Christmas events and worship services being planned. Our calendar is filling up fast!
Our holiday performance season will start on November 26, at the Kerstmarkt in Downtown Holland. We always look forward to this festive outdoor event, where we’ll be braving the chilly weather to play Christmas carols outdoors. It’s a great way to start the holiday season, and a wonderful place to shop for locally-made gifts, crafts and food.
Handbells are perfect for the holidays!
We’ll be back at the Kerstmarkt on December 10th. This year we’re also looking forward to performing with the Zeeland Community Band at their Christmas concert, as well as giving another handbell duet program at Hudsonville Library, and some private events throughout December. We’ll share more details about our public performances soon.
Handbell music can bring a magical and festive atmosphere to any Christmas or holiday event. We can give a seasonal performance of carols and holiday music. We can provide background music to add that special welcoming touch to your corporate event, community group celebration, winter wedding, or holiday gathering. Nothing says Christmas quite as well as the traditional sound of English handbells. Our duet performances can bring the sounds of the season to community events, hotel lobbies, department stores, airports, shopping boutiques, social groups and private house parties alike.
Thinking of booking a handbell performance for Christmas?
As a handbell duo, we take up far less room than a traditional bell choir would. That makes us ideal for venues where space is limited, or where social distancing is still being observed. We still have a few dates available for 2021 (including some Sundays during Advent), so if you need handbells for your Christmas event or worship service, you’re welcome to get in touch with us. If we can fit your event into our schedule, we will.
Contact us with some details about your event, and we’ll check our availability and provide a quote for you. Handbells are the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season!
Our online Christmas handbell concert is ready to watch! We’re happy to bring you our 2020 concert – recorded at our summer cottage in Bay View, Michigan. Watch the concert to see and hear some of our favorite holiday 8-bell duets, enjoy some photos of Bay View in the winter, and grab the opportunity to download a brand-new Christmas carol for 8 bells and piano – free of charge until Christmas Day 2020!
The following handbell duets are featured in this concert:
Creator of the Stars of Night Hills of the North, Rejoice The Cherry Tree Carol Angels from the Realms of Glory Silent Night ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came I Saw Three Ships O Come, O Come, Emmanuel De Zak van Sinterklaas Away in a Manger (Cradle Song) Away in a Manger (Murray) In the Bleak Midwinter Angels We Have Heard on High Hoe Leit dit Kindeke Jingle Bells and FREE MUSIC OPPORTUNITY!
All of the 6- and 8-bell pieces featured in our concert are available to purchase and download from Choraegus, our music site. If you enjoyed our Christmas concert, please feel welcome to share the video with your family and friends as we celebrate the Christmas season with handbell music!
If you have any questions for us, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help!
The Michigan lockdown has had a huge effect on live music performances. It was a very necessary process, but people have been missing the usual round of concerts and music-sharing events. Yesterday was an exciting day for us, because we had a long-awaited opportunity to get back to giving a real-life handbell duet performance – in front of an actual audience!
Today’s handbell program
Our handbell duet program was for the American Guild of Organists, Holland Area Chapter. The group had originally scheduled our performance to take place in May. However, the unhappy combination of Larry’s shoulder surgery and the COVID-19 pandemic put a stop to that! The AGO’s spring schedule was cut short, and our performance couldn’t happen. We were thankful to have an opportunity to present our handbell program today instead!
We appreciated the careful preparation for our performance. It took place outdoors, at First Reformed Church here in Holland, Michigan. The audience observed careful social distancing, and masks were worn. The sound system was there to make sure everyone could hear us. We were also far enough away from the audience to be able to take our masks off during our performance.
This summer, with the lack of performance opportunities, we focused our energy on writing and publishing new music. Today gave us the chance to perform some of the new pieces for the first time. These pieces included our not-yet-published 8-bell Chopsticks, and our recent arrangements of Beach Spring and I Stand Amazed.
One of the things we enjoy most is answering questions about handbells. We were happy to talk about the four-in-hand techniques we use, and about the music we play and where to find it. We also talked about the challenges for handbell choirs in this time of social distancing. There were several handbell musicians/directors in the audience, and we enjoyed hearing about how their choirs are sharing music. It was also fun to talk about the music available from Choraegus that’s suitable for socially-distanced handbell choirs to play!
Thanks to all involved!
Our thanks go to the Holland Area AGO for inviting us to present this handbell program. We’re also thankful to First Reformed Church of Holland for hosting the event and making us so welcome. Thanks to everyone who put on their mask and came along to support and encourage us!
Before we launch into rehearsals for Advent and Christmas, we have just one more performance to do! Tomorrow we’ll be driving across Michigan to Gregory, to play in the morning service at Southwest Church of the Nazarene. In the afternoon we’ll be presenting a handbell duet concert of hymns and beautiful melodies to soothe your soul and lift your spirits. We’ll be playing well-known hymns such as Holy Manna, It Is Well with my Soul, and Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. We’ll also be playing some traditional pieces from Scotland, Ireland, Holland and Japan. We might even sneak in a couple of Advent and Christmas carols, because that season is fast-approaching! There will also be a chance to ask us questions about our music and our instruments.
Admission to the concert is free, with an opportunity for a free-will offering. We’d love to see you there!
Would you like us to play handbells at your church?
We have a wide repertoire of handbell duets suitable for worship, or for concerts. We invite you to read about our handbell ministry, and look at independent reviews of our performances. Please contact us if you’d like us to play a handbell duet concert at your church. We’re based in Holland, Michigan, but we’re happy to travel nationwide or internationally.
We’re thrilled to be able to share this video of Larry’s original compositionA Minor Crash, recorded at the 2019 Bay View Week of Handbells concert. This piece is fun to play! You can even see some of the musicians dancing along, which is exciting to see at a handbell performance!
Rocking out to A Minor Crash!
A Minor Crash is written for 5-8 octaves of handbells and optional handchimes. An additional cajón part is available. The cajón part is written by Alex Guebert, who also plays it in the concert video. It’s a Level 4 piece, with some interesting challenges for bass handbell enthusiasts. There’s also an alternative simplified section for less-adventurous performers!
Sheet music for A Minor Crash
If you’d like to play this piece, the sheet music is available to purchase, download and print from our music site, Choraegus.
Many thanks to Pierpont Productions
Our thanks go to Pierpont Productions, who graciously allowed us to share the video from the 2019 Bay View Week of Handbells concert. They make a wonderful recording of the Bay View handbell concert each year. CDs and videos of previous concerts are available. If you’d like one, contact us, and we’ll put you in touch!
In the weeks since we came back from the Bay View Week of Handbells, we’ve appreciated the opportunity to focus on our handbell ministry. We’ve very much enjoyed being a part of worship services at several West Michigan churches. Now we’re wrapping up the summer, and reflecting on the last few months’ activities.
Just after we returned from Bay View, we made our first visit to Muskegon Central United Methodist Church. We played prelude, offertory and special music in their traditional Sunday morning service.
Our handbells in the beautiful sanctuary at Muskegon Central UMC
This summer we also played in the morning service at Christ Memorial Church, here in Holland. We’ve previously played Christmas music there, so it was fun to go back and be part of a summer worship service! We also enjoyed the opportunity to attend a rehearsal and work with their handbell choir on bass and treble handbell techniques, as they prepare for the upcoming season.
At Christ Memorial Church, Holland
We also played duets in the morning service at our home church, Third Reformed, here in Holland. Larry had the chance to do something different too — and he enjoyed playing the cajón with the praise chorus!
Larry played the cajón at Third Reformed Church!
We’ve also been part of the Downtown Holland Street Performer Series; our third summer at this popular event.
Now that we’re wrapping up the summer, what’s next for us? We’re looking forward to giving a program of handbell duets at a senior community party in a few days’ time. After that, we’ll be preparing for a Sunday afternoon concert in Gregory, Michigan at the end of October.
The holiday season is always our favorite time of year. Is it too early to mention Christmas? We’re still taking bookings, so let us know if you need us!
It’s been over a week since we came back from our trip to the Petoskey area for our 10th year at the Bay View Week of Handbells. Life is getting back to normal, and we have lots of great memories from our tenth year at the event!
Bay View Week of Handbells is part of our history!
Taking part in the Bay View Week of Handbells has become a highlight of our year. We attended the event for the first time in August 2010, when we were still in our long-distance relationship. Carla flew to Chicago from England, Larry flew in from California. We met in person for the very first time, before taking the short flight to Traverse City together. Having only previously communicated in Facebook messages, it was exciting for us to spend time together in person, and to discover that we actually did like each other in “real life”, as well as online!
After another year apart, we met again at the 2011 Week of Handbells. We celebrated our engagement in Evelyn Hall at the Monday evening reception. The following year was a busy one for us as we dealt with the challenges of the U.S. fiancée visa process. Finally, we were able to close the distance in August 2012. We timed everything carefully, to coincide with that year’s Week of Handbells! Larry flew to England, then we flew back together from London to Chicago. Next, we flew to Traverse City, then drove to Bay View for the week of rehearsals and concert. After the event was over, we were able to take a flight to California and begin our life together.
With Maestro Carl Wiltse at Bay View Week of Handbells 2014
Since then, we’ve participated in the Week of Handbells every August. The event is very special to us for many reasons. For a start, the standard of musicianship is very high. Participants are required to arrive at the event fully prepared. That means we can use the rehearsal time not to learn notes, but to work on expression, playing as a single ensemble, and the finer points of preparing for a concert to a high professional standard. It’s a lot of fun to work on challenging music under the baton of an experienced and highly-skilled director. It’s also good to know that the Thursday evening’s public concert will be enjoyed by so many people! Bay View has also given us the opportunity to meet with friends, and to make new ones, as handbell musicians arrive from many different cities to take part each year.
With Bay View Director Fred Gramann at the 2019 Week of Handbells
The years have gone quickly since our first experience of the Bay View Week of Handbells! We’ve been able to learn so much from participating in the event. Larry has played the aluminum bass handbells every year since 2010. He’s appreciated being part of the “Deep Pit” team; a group of five musicians who are highly skilled at playing these bells. Carla had another opportunity to be a Position Captain this year. She was responsible for supporting a team of ringers and starting early with preparing for the event. Together they worked out solutions and strategies for tricky passages in the music.
Larry in the “Deep Pit” at Bay View
It’s been several years since we made our Big Move from California to Michigan. Now that we live in Holland, it takes us less than five hours to drive to Bay View. That’s been an advantage to us, because we’ve been able to make a few day-trips to Bay View outside of the Week of Handbells, just for the sheer joy of being there! We love being by the lake, and even going in the lake, as we hunt for Petoskey stones to bring home and polish. The Petoskey stone is the official Michigan State Stone. It’s a fossilised coral – Hexagonaria percarinata – that lived in the warm Michigan waters around 350 million years ago. Polishing Petoskey stones (using wet sandpaper) is the perfect activity for cold winter evenings at home in Holland!
Hunting for Petoskey stones!
We stayed in one of the pretty cottages on the Bay View campus again this year, and it’s wonderful to be close to the rehearsal venue. It’s fun to feel part of the Bay View community, even if it’s just for a short while. Bay View has some of the best sunsets we’ve ever seen. Besides, what other handbell event gives you the opportunity to finish a tiring day of rehearsals, and see scenes like these?
Historic Bay View cottagesThe Bay View Inn, seen from the Memorial GardenAnother beautiful Bay View sunset
The concert on Thursday evening was exciting for us this year, particularly as we were performing one of Larry’s original compositions – A Minor Crash. Pierpont Video Productions made a professional recording of the concert, so we hope to have a video to share at some point in the near future! We chatted with one of the Bay View Association members on the day after the concert. He referred to Larry as “the Crash Guy”, which made us laugh! Other highlights of the concert repertoire were: Drive, an original composition by Alex Guebert, Beach Boys Medley, arranged by Linda Boatright, and Hart Morris’s challenging arrangement of I Got Rhythm.
Saying goodbye is easier these days
We’re always sorry to have to leave Bay View when the Week of Handbells is over. However, now that we live in Michigan, the goodbyes are slightly easier. We know that we’re only a few hours away, so there’s no longer any reason for us to wait a whole year to return!
As we put away this year’s Bay View music and start focusing on our duet performances for the upcoming season, we’ll be setting our hopes on being able to return to the Week of Handbells in August 2020!