Here’s some free handbell music, as a thank you to everyone who’s purchased music from Choraegus this summer. It’s been a strange season for us, and for many other handbell musicians, as so many spring and summer performances were cancelled, and the upcoming fall/Christmas season still feels a little uncertain. We’ve been thankful that we have bells at home and plenty of music to play.
Handbell duets on the porch
We’ve also been enjoying spending time at our Victorian summer cottage in northern Michigan, where we can play handbell duets on the porch, to the sound of cars and trucks thundering past on US-31. The residents in 1887 never had to worry about traffic noise!

Yay! Free music!
This week we have another free 8-bell arrangement to offer you. Whether you call it Incy Wincy Spider or Itsy Bitsy Spider, you should recognise this early 20th-century children’s song. You can find our arrangement in the Freebies section of our music site. You’ll also find free music for Happy Birthday, Auld Lang Syne, Dona Nobis Pacem, and Alouette. In addition, there are printable covers for anyone who’s storing their 8-bell music in binders.
There’s no obligation to make any other purchase from Choraegus to get the free handbell music. Of course, we hope you’ll take a look at other titles we have to offer, but if you’d rather just grab the free music and go, we don’t mind at all. It’s a good way to try our eight-bell music without having to spend any money! The Spider Song (or any of our other 8-bell pieces) could be a good way for a duo, trio or quartet to play some music that doesn’t have any bell changes, accidentals, or techniques that need tables or foam; perfect for social distancing!
To get your free sheet music, add The Spider Song to your cart on the Choraegus site, and click on the yellow “Check out with PayPal” button (don’t worry; PayPal won’t ask you to make any payment). Enter your details, and click “Confirm Order” (there’s no need to click on the PayPal button a second time). Then check your email inbox! If the download link doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder, and it might be there. If anything goes wrong, please let us know, and we’ll find another way to get your music to you.
More information (the small print)
As always, we recommend that you read the licensing agreement before buying music from us (or claiming your free music), especially if this is your first time downloading music from Choraegus. You won’t receive anything in the mail, and will be responsible for printing your own music.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us, and we’ll do what we can to help!