We have some photo galleries to share with you! As a handbell duo, it’s often quite a challenge to get pictures of our performances. We end up taking far too many selfies, and posing for awkward “let’s take turns to pick up some handbells and prove that we were here” photos.
Just occasionally, though, someone takes a good picture for us! This one is from a holiday performance at Otsego Public Library.

We also enjoy taking photos of our handbells. This one was taken at Bay View, in northern Michigan, on “Play Music on the Porch Day“.

Click on the drop down menu or the links below to see photo galleries from our handbell performances and events. When you get to the galleries, you’ll see preview images; click on an individual image to see the full-size photo!
Handbell Festivals and Workshops
Photos from the Bay View Week of Handbells
Photos from our Tour of the Malmark Bellcraftsmen Factory
Memorial and Remembrance Services
If you have any handbell photos to share with us, or you’ve taken photos or videos of any of our performances, we’d love to hear from you!