A Guide to How Many Copies You’ll Need
Buying and printing handbell music isn’t always a straightforward task! Thank you for your interest in buying music from Choraegus. Our music is available for online purchase and download, which means you won’t receive a copy of your music in the mail. Instead, you’ll make your payment online and you’ll receive an email with a link to download your music. You’ll need to click on the download link within 120 hours, otherwise it will expire.
Before you buy any music from us, we’d like to request that you read the full licensing agreement. If you have any questions, please take a look at our frequently-asked questions and step-by-step guide to buying our music, and contact us if you don’t find the answers you’re looking for.
When you’re buying music online, it can sometimes be hard to know how many copies you need to pay for, and how many you are entitled to print out. So we’ve created these handy flowchart-style guides to help you decide how many copies you’ll need to pay for and print.
Here’s the guide to buying and printing solo handbell music from our music site:

This is the buying guide for 6-bell music (accompanied):

Now here’s the buying guide for 8-bell music:

Here’s the guide for 12-bell music:

This is the guide you’ll need for buying and printing 16-bell music:

Here’s the guide for full choir handbell music:

And finally, the guide for individual copies of full choir handbell pieces:

We hope you’ll find the above guides useful, and that you’ll have fun playing our music!
© Larry and Carla Sue