Here’s a list of arrangements of traditional, folk and patriotic music for handbell choirs, available from Choraegus. Click on a title, and you’ll be taken to our music site, where you’ll find more details about each piece. You’ll be able to preview pages from the scores, listen to audio files, and find out more about how to purchase music from us!
America the Beautiful (AMERICA/MATERNA)
3-5 octaves of handbells, Level 4
This Level 4 arrangement for three to five octaves of handbells will sparkle in your church service or patriotic gathering!
Boat on Lake Tai
3-5 octaves of handbells, and 2 octaves of handchimes, Level 4-
This beautiful traditional melody will transport you to a peaceful lake in China! It’s perfect for a Lunar New Year event, or for a concert featuring music from around the world.
The Ash Grove
3 or 5 octaves of handbells, Level 3
Here’s an arrangement of the traditional Welsh tune The Ash Grove that’s in 3/4 and Level 3 (not like the rather more infamous one in 11/8 which is much more challenging…). It’s for three or five octaves of handbells and can also be used for the hymn Let All Things Now Living.
Flower Drum Song (Fengyang Flower Drum)
3 or 5 octaves of handbells, Level 4
This fun and lively arrangement of a traditional Chinese song features malleted sections that your ringers (and audiences) will enjoy!
Jasmine Flower (Mo Li Hua)
3-5 octaves of handbells and 2 octaves of handchimes, Level 4-
Perfect for Chinese/Lunar New Year celebrations, this 3-5 octave arrangement of the traditional Chinese song is the perfect way to showcase mallet techniques, handchimes, and singing bell.
2-3 octaves of handbells, Level 2
KELVINGROVE is an old Scottish tune. Where it appears in hymnals, it usually is under the title The Summons. Historically, though, it’s a love song sung by a soldier to his love as he strolls with her one last time before he heads to battle. Our straightforward handbell arrangement will be a useful addition to worship services and concert performances for the smaller handbell choir.
Mu Süda Ärka Üles (Awake, My Heart) – ARR. SUSAN T. NELSON
4-7 octaves of handbells and 3 octaves of handchimes, with optional handbell duet
Campanelli is an Estonian handbell ensemble directed by Inna Lai. They came to the US for a four-concert tour in 2017, and we commissioned this Susan Nelson arrangement for them.