In addition to the pieces we perform as duets, a lot more music for handbell choirs is available from Choraegus. If you’re looking for something to challenge your advanced handbell choir, you’ll find some exciting arrangements and original compositions that have been played at bronze-level events. If you’re looking for something for your beginning or advancing handbell choir, you’ll find that too.
All the music published by Choraegus is designed to be purchased online and downloaded as PDF files, ready for you to print at home. Rather than having to wait for your scores to arrive in the mail, you can purchase your music, print it, and have it ready for the next rehearsal!
Before you purchase music from Choraegus for the first time, we’d recommend that you read the Licensing Agreement. We also have guides to how many copies of the music you can print out, and some Frequently-Asked Questions.
Click on the links below to find out what’s available!
Original Larry Sue Compositions for Handbell Choirs
Hymn Arrangements for Handbell Choirs
Classical Pieces for Handbell Choirs
Christmas Music for Handbell Choirs
Traditional and Folk Music for Handbell Choirs
Jazz, Blues and Fun for Handbell Choirs
Handbell Music by Susan T. Nelson