12-bell music can be fun and interesting to play! For our handbell duet performances, we usually play 8-bell music, but thanks to the power of technology, we’ve been playing 12-bell music too!
As an example, here’s a video to demonstrate our arrangement of Leaning on the Everlasting Arms:
Music for twelve bells is a useful addition to the handbell repertoire. If your group has 3 ringers who can play 4-in-hand, you have all the notes covered. Alternatively, if you have a bigger group, 4-6 ringers could play these arrangements, holding two or three bells each. If you’re feeling more ambitious with an even bigger group, you can add handchimes to the mix!
Our 12-bell music has no stopped sounds or techniques that require tables. For that reason, it’s particularly suited to ringers who play from music stands. Many groups are still observing social distancing, and these arrangements work well because there are no shared bells.
Many of the arrangements are available in two versions, depending on which range of bells you’d like to use.
More information (the small print)
Choraegus handbell music is designed for you to purchase online and download as PDF files. That means you won’t need to wait for your scores to arrive in the mail. You can purchase your music online, download the file, print it at home, and have it ready for the next rehearsal!
Before you purchase music from Choraegus for the first time, we’d recommend that you read the Licensing Agreement. To make the purchasing process easier, we have a step-by-step guide, with pictures. We also have guides to how many copies of the music you can print out. You can also look at Frequently-Asked Questions, and contact us if you don’t find the answers you need.
Click on the links below to find out what’s available: