Trust is a difficult gift to give to someone. When you give someone your trust, it’s like taking a step into darkness and hoping someone will be there to guide you. It’s like letting yourself fall backwards, and hoping someone will be there to catch you.
It’s like handing them your heart, and saying, “Please don’t break this”.

When you give your trust, you should give it with your whole heart. Let go of suspicion, jealousy and worry. Be brave… have courage… and give your trust to someone you love. If they break your trust, you will feel it in your heart, and it will hurt. But the choice and the power will be yours: to forgive, and to learn to trust again… or to give your trust to someone else and allow them to put the pieces of your heart back together.
When you give your trust to someone you love, and they cherish that trust, and never break it… you have given them a wonderful gift. When they give you their trust in return, your love and trust will surround each other, bringing you close, wherever in the world you may be… and you will know that you are strong, because you are together. You hold each other’s hearts, you belong only to each other, and true love is yours. ♥
© 2015 Larry and Carla Sue,
Originally published on Facebook, 25th February 2012