Looking for free handbell music? We have some fun titles available from Choraegus!
Our current selection of free handbell music is limited to music that uses just 8 bells. However, it’s worth checking back at a later stage if you’re looking for something different. You never know what we might decide to offer!
Our free music is designed to be downloaded. That means you can choose a piece, download it, print it at home, and be ready for your next handbell rehearsal. You won’t need to wait for anything to arrive in the mail!
Current free scores from Choraegus:
- Alouette
- Auld Lang Syne
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Happy Birthday
- The Ants Go Marching
- The Spider Song
You’ll find these free scores in the Freebies section of the Choraegus site.
There’s no obligation to buy anything when you download your free music. You can grab the free stuff and run, and we won’t have a problem with it. It can be a good way to try some new music without spending any money.
There’s a lot more on the Choraegus site than just free music!
We’d also venture to suggest that good quality handbell music is worth paying for. You’re welcome to browse the Choraegus site and see what else we have to offer. There are solo handbell pieces, arrangements for 6 bells and piano, and lots of 8-bell arrangements. There are 12- and 16-bell titles, and pieces for full handbell choir. You’ll find arrangements of popular hymns and classical pieces, as well as some exciting and challenging original compositions.
You can also buy copies of The Bass Ringer’s Notebook from Choraegus. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to become an expert in playing bass handbells well and safely.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about Choraegus handbell music, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help!