For the Beauty of the Earth is one of Larry’s arrangements for 3-5 octaves, plus 2 octaves of handchimes (optional). It seemed like a fun challenge to make a recording with just the two of us.
We didn’t rehearse this piece beforehand, and recorded most of the parts in just one take (with a couple of exceptions). There were a couple of slip-ups with the tempo changes (some things probably do need to be planned and practised beforehand!) but all in all, we were fairly happy with the way it turned out.
The biggest challenge was recording the video too late in the afternoon. By the time we were attempting the upper assignments, the sun was getting low enough in the sky to start hitting us fairly hard through the windows! Still, this is always a learning experience, and next time we’ll begin recording earlier in the day.
More information about the music
For the Beauty of the Earth is for 3-5 octaves of handbells, with 2 octaves of (optional) chimes. The sheet music is available to download from Choraegus. It’s a versatile arrangement, because the hymn tune DIX is also used for the Christmas carol As With Gladness Men of Old. This arrangement could be played year-round!
When you buy Choraegus handbell music, please note that it will come to you as a PDF file. That means you’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. When you’ve downloaded your music, your one-time payment entitles you to print out up to 15 copies for your group. Please read our licensing agreement for full information. If you’re new to buying music from Choraegus, we recommend our step-by-step guide!
Any questions?
If you have any questions about buying or playing our music, please look at the Frequently-Asked Questions first. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.