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Christmas Handbells at Hudsonville Library
Gary Byker Memorial Library of Hudsonville 3338 Van Buren St, HudsonvilleEnjoy the traditional sounds of Christmas handbells at Hudsonville Library! Michigan handbell duo Larry and Carla will be back for the fourth time with a program of handbell duets! Larry […]
Christmas Handbells in Grand Rapids (Private Event)
Thousand Oaks Golf Club 4100 Thousand Oaks Dr NE, Grand RapidsLarry and Carla will be presenting a program of Christmas Handbells in Grand Rapids, at a lunchtime event for a local group. We'll share some traditional Advent and Christmas music […]
Ring in the Season with Christmas Handbells!
Georgetown Connections 7100 8th Ave, JenisonRing in the season with Holland-based handbell duo Larry and Carla! We'll be returning to the Georgetown Connections Senior Center in Jenison, to play a selection of Christmas handbell duets […]