Larry and Carla will be adding the music of handbells to the Zeeland Community Band's outdoor concert during the PumpkinFest event in Downtown Zeeland. The concert will be held at Vander Luyster Square Park (where the gazebo is). If it rains, we'll move the concert indoors - to the activity room in the Howard Miller […]
Michigan handbell duo Larry and Carla will be presenting a program of handbell duets at Fall Fest, the annual event held at North Park Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids. The program will start at 6:30pm and last 45-50 minutes. More details will follow!
Handbell duo Larry and Carla will be the guest musicians for the 21st Annual Rietberg Concert. This concert is a tribute to the 45 years of service of Roger and Evelyn Rietberg to the music program of Third Reformed Church. Larry and Carla are originally from California and England, and were brought together by their […]