Handbell music at a Wedding in Connecticut

We’ve just returned home from a very long road-trip, all the way from West Michigan to Connecticut and back. We went there for the best-possible reason – for the marriage of two of our friends. It’s been a long time since we played handbell music at a wedding!

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had very few opportunities for road-trips and handbell performances in the last year or so. You can imagine our excitement when we received first a “Save the Date” card, followed by an invitation, for a wedding in Connecticut!

handbell music wedding

A connection made on Facebook!

The bride and groom are a long-distance couple who connected with us on Facebook around ten years ago. At that time, we were still in our own long-distance relationship. Over the years, we’ve connected with a lot of long-distance couples who have contacted us on our Facebook page. Some people reach out to us for one-time advice or support, and we never hear from them again afterwards. However, some couples continue to stay in touch with us, and we’re happy to count them as friends, as we’ve been through similar experiences. It means a lot to us when people share their stories with us, as we shared our long-distance relationship story during the time we were apart.

The bride contacted us on Facebook a few months ago, and asked us if we’d be able to play some handbell duets after their wedding ceremony, to welcome the happy couple and their guests as they left the church. She particularly requested Amazing Grace, so we put together a small selection of hymns and classical music.

Playing handbells outdoors can be interesting!

The day of the wedding dawned dull and cloudy, and we had some concerns about playing outside if it rained. Fortunately the weather stayed dry, if a little windy! As we were attending the wedding primarily as guests, we didn’t want to miss the ceremony, so we stayed until after the vows and rings were exchanged. Then we quickly left the church, and took our bells and equipment down the stairs. We were ready to play in plenty of time for the door to open and the guests to start appearing.

The unexpected challenge of playing handbells in a suit

We coped pretty well with the gusty breeze. When we play outdoors, we’re always thankful for the sheet of plastic that goes over the top of our music to hold it in place! The unexpected challenge turned out to be playing handbells while wearing a suit. As a t-shirt enthusiast, Larry’s not very often seen wearing a suit; in fact this was the first time he’d worn one in more than a decade. Our usual duet performance attire doesn’t involve a suit, and it took a few moments for Larry to adjust his technique so that he didn’t create a “zinging” sound when a bell occasionally collided with a button! Still, all-in-all, the music went very well, and the wedding guests enjoyed it. We received lots of positive comments at the reception afterwards!

Would you like us to play handbells at your wedding?

If you’re hearing wedding bells, and you’d like to find out more about having handbell music for your ceremony, please contact us to find out more about our music, fees and availability. Handbells can be a magical addition to any wedding day!

Still Searching for Larry’s Wedding Ring – Lost in Holland, Michigan

Can you help us find this wedding ring, lost in Holland, Michigan?

It’s now been several months since Larry’s wedding ring went missing. He lost the two-tone gold band in September 2019, just days before our 7th wedding anniversary.

It was a busy day for Larry. He made trips to both the north side and south side of Holland – grocery shopping at Meijer and Family Fare, going to the gym (Anytime Fitness), 5/3 Bank (on Butternut), Sam’s Club, Walmart, D&W Fresh Market, and Third Reformed Church. He also walked to and from Family Fare and Creek Edge (on Timberline Acres). At some point in the evening, he realised that he no longer had his wedding ring.

Wedding ring lost in Holland Michigan

We retraced Larry’s steps as much as possible, and searched around our house and garage… but there’s been no sign of the missing wedding band, and we are heartbroken. We reported the loss to local police, and on Facebook, but the ring hasn’t been found or returned to us. It might have been found, sold, taken to a pawn shop… and it might be on someone else’s finger by now. Whatever happened, we’d love to know.

Please help us find the missing ring!

Even though it seems unlikely that the ring will find its way back to us at this point, we still can’t bring ourselves to give up hope. If you see this wedding ring anywhere, please let us know, and we will be forever grateful for your help!

Lost wedding ring, Holland Mi
Our wedding day in California – September 2012