Handbells at Bay View, August 2021

Handbells have been a traditional sight and sound at Bay View for many years. The annual Week of Handbells has been part of our lives since 2010. It’s the event where we first spent time together in person, during our long-distance relationship. It’s also where we celebrated our engagement in 2011 (with a cupcake reception). It was our first destination when we closed the distance and started our life together in 2012.

We were disappointed that the Week of Handbells was postponed in 2020, and canceled again in 2021. However, we understood the reasons; a global pandemic isn’t a trivial thing! The Week of Handbells needs a lot of advance preparation. The musicians spend months before the event learning their music, and the bells and equipment must be borrowed from various people and organizations. Participants have to arrange their travel and accommodation well in advance. The director, Fred Gramann, flies to Michigan from his home in France. The decision not to hold the last two handbell concerts at Bay View was a wise and necessary one.

“Definitely not a concert!”

This year, we decided to invite residents and guests of Bay View to attend a “not-concert” in the Bay View Association grounds. We started by playing some of our 8-bell duets, and we answered questions from audience members, about the techniques involved in playing our instruments, and how our shared love of handbells brought us together when we were living 5,347 miles apart. We played a selection of popular hymns, including Amazing Grace, Great is Thy Faithfulness, and I Stand Amazed. There were also some lively secular pieces – our 8-bell arrangement of Chopsticks, and the popular Irish jig Calliope House.

After our duet presentation, some of our friends from the Bay View Week of Handbells joined us for a sight-read of some of our 12-bell music. We were impressed and thankful that so many of the usual Week of Handbells participants were willing and able to join us. Some are based in northern Michigan, but others had traveled from as far as Illinois, South Dakota and Nebraska! Together we read through some music that most of the ringers hadn’t seen or played before. It was a fun challenge, and everyone did well. Several people commented that they hadn’t played handbells in over a year, so it was great to get back to it! We played Annie Laurie and Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, among others, and ended with a 16-bell arrangement of God Be With You Till We Meet Again.

Handbells at Bay View 2021

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event possible!

We’re thankful to the Bay View Association for allowing us to use the big events tent for this event. It was reassuring to be able to gather in an outdoor (but sheltered) setting. We provided masks, hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes to try to make the event as COVID-proof as possible!

We’re also thankful to the musicians who came along to share their musical skills with each other and our audience. Special thanks go to everyone who helped by bringing bells and music stands.

Thanks also to everyone who dropped by to listen, and to everyone who asked questions, applauded, and encouraged us as we played!

Would you like handbell music at your own event?

As a professional handbell duo, we are available for worship services, weddings, memorial services and Christmas events. We’re members of the Bay View Association, and during the summer months you can often find us on our porch at the corner of Woodland and Pine. If you’d like to book us to play handbell duets at your event (and yes, we’re willing to travel outside of Michigan), please get in touch with us!

Handbell duo Bay View 2021

Handbell Performances in a Quiet Holiday Season

It’s the time of year when we like to look back at our handbell performances during the busy run-up to Christmas. We’re talking about a very different kind of holiday season!

Our busiest time of the year usually begins in late November and continues all through December. In past years, there have been weeks when we’ve felt as though we hardly seen our home during the run-up to Christmas! However, in recent months, churches have been holding services online, and community groups have been unable to meet in person. Senior communities have been closed to visitors, and company Christmas events were canceled. It seemed that no one was having holiday parties or booking musicians for performances this winter.

So, what did we do during this unusually quiet holiday season?

We are very fortunate to have been able to make handbell music together in recent months. It’s true that the COVID-19 situation had a dramatic effect on our handbell performance opportunities. However, we were still able to write and play music as a handbell duo, and we’re thankful for that. We took the opportunity to play and record some of our 12- and 16-bell music. It was a new adventure for us, and we were pleased with how several of the videos turned out. Here’s The First Nowell:

Continuing a holiday tradition

One of our favorite regular holiday performance venues is the Kerstmarkt in Downtown Holland. It’s an outdoor, European-style Christmas market, and we were happy that the event could still take place this year. We gave two evening performances at the Kerstmarkt, and enjoyed it as much as ever, in spite of the chilly weather!

Handbell performances in Downtown Holland

Virtual performances

For one of our performances this December, we took a virtual trip to Colorado! A Denver-based community group asked us to prepare an online handbell program for their holiday gathering. We gave this event a lot of thought, and decided that it would be too risky to give a “live” performance on Zoom. We occasionally have issues with our internet connection, and couldn’t be certain how well the tone of our handbells would come across online.

To solve this problem, we recorded the program beforehand and uploaded it as a YouTube video for the group to watch. We soon discovered how much more stressful it is to introduce a handbell performance when you’re talking to a camera instead of a real audience! Here we are, by the Christmas tree, trying failing to talk without looking awkward:

Colorado handbell performances

On the evening of the virtual performance, we joined the group in a Zoom question-and-answer session. It was a good way to share our music with a far-away group, and we’d definitely consider doing something similar again.

Christmas concerts

We had fun putting together some online performances for the Kalamazoo Ringers’ Home for Christmas virtual concert. Carla produced the video for the group, combining recordings from last year’s Christmas Traditions concert with some new performances. These new performances were by several small ensembles and a soloist. Here’s our lively arrangement of Ding Dong, Merrily on High, with Martha and Gary Matthews on flute and piano:

We also spent some time putting together our own Christmas handbell duet concert. We’d recorded the 6- and 8-bell music in late October, at our summer cottage at Bay View in northern Michigan. The cottage was seriously cold at the time! We showed some photos taken during the snowy months, when the Victorian cottages at Bay View are closed up for the winter. Lake Michigan is breathtakingly beautiful when it’s covered in ice!

In-person performances

We received a fairly last-minute invitation to play at the Burcham Hills Festival of Lights in East Lansing. This it turned out to be a very festive evening! The event was totally contactless, with families driving through in their cars, stopping to meet Santa and listen to our Christmas music. The organizers had made great efforts to keep this community event safe for everyone. We played our handbell duets on two consecutive evenings – and yes, it was cold! The Christmas lights twinkled in the darkness, and people seemed to enjoy the festivities.

Holiday handbells at Burcham Hills Lights

A busy month at church

While Carla was busy editing concert videos, Larry had a busy month as a cantor/music mixer for our church’s online worship services. We made videos of our handbell duets for Advent and Christmas services, and took part in an online Christmas Eve concert with other musicians from the church. Just before Christmas, we recorded a brand-new arrangement of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing with Linda Strouf. Linda mastered the interesting piano part after a very short rehearsal time! You can find the video on our Facebook page.

Hark the Herald Angels Sing handbells

On the Sunday after Christmas Day, we went to South Haven First United Methodist Church to play some carols there. We recorded some handbell music in the sanctuary, ready for the service to be broadcast later in the day. We appreciated this final opportunity to share some of our Christmas music before putting away the carols for a while.

All in all, it was a very quiet holiday season for us. In some ways, we missed the usual flurry of activity. However, we did enjoy the opportunity to take December a little more calmly. A huge bonus was being able to enjoy so many of the online handbell concerts posted by groups across the world. We watched handbell performances by groups we’d never usually have the opportunity to see. Many small ensembles performed Choraegus handbell music this holiday season, and we were thankful for that too.

Looking ahead to 2021

What will 2021 look like for handbell performances and live music events? It’s too early to say! We hope that at some point in the coming months, we’ll be able to share our music with in-person audiences again. In the meantime, our thanks go to everyone who invited us to be part of their masked-and-socially-distant 2020 holiday events!

White Christmas in Michigan 2020

Our Online Christmas Handbell Concert

Our online Christmas handbell concert is ready to watch! We’re happy to bring you our 2020 concert – recorded at our summer cottage in Bay View, Michigan. Watch the concert to see and hear some of our favorite holiday 8-bell duets, enjoy some photos of Bay View in the winter, and grab the opportunity to download a brand-new Christmas carol for 8 bells and piano – free of charge until Christmas Day 2020!

The following handbell duets are featured in this concert:

Creator of the Stars of Night
Hills of the North, Rejoice
The Cherry Tree Carol
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Silent Night
‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came
I Saw Three Ships
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
De Zak van Sinterklaas
Away in a Manger (Cradle Song)
Away in a Manger (Murray)
In the Bleak Midwinter
Angels We Have Heard on High
Hoe Leit dit Kindeke

All of the 6- and 8-bell pieces featured in our concert are available to purchase and download from Choraegus, our music site. If you enjoyed our Christmas concert, please feel welcome to share the video with your family and friends as we celebrate the Christmas season with handbell music!

If you have any questions for us, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

Christmas handbell concert - Larry and Carla

Our First Handbell Duet Performance Since the Michigan Lockdown!

Michigan lockdown, live music performance

The Michigan lockdown has had a huge effect on live music performances. It was a very necessary process, but people have been missing the usual round of concerts and music-sharing events. Yesterday was an exciting day for us, because we had a long-awaited opportunity to get back to giving a real-life handbell duet performance – in front of an actual audience!

Today’s handbell program

Our handbell duet program was for the American Guild of Organists, Holland Area Chapter. The group had originally scheduled our performance to take place in May. However, the unhappy combination of Larry’s shoulder surgery and the COVID-19 pandemic put a stop to that! The AGO’s spring schedule was cut short, and our performance couldn’t happen. We were thankful to have an opportunity to present our handbell program today instead!

We appreciated the careful preparation for our performance. It took place outdoors, at First Reformed Church here in Holland, Michigan. The audience observed careful social distancing, and masks were worn. The sound system was there to make sure everyone could hear us. We were also far enough away from the audience to be able to take our masks off during our performance.

Social distancing and music performances

This summer, with the lack of performance opportunities, we focused our energy on writing and publishing new music. Today gave us the chance to perform some of the new pieces for the first time. These pieces included our not-yet-published 8-bell Chopsticks, and our recent arrangements of Beach Spring and I Stand Amazed.

One of the things we enjoy most is answering questions about handbells. We were happy to talk about the four-in-hand techniques we use, and about the music we play and where to find it. We also talked about the challenges for handbell choirs in this time of social distancing. There were several handbell musicians/directors in the audience, and we enjoyed hearing about how their choirs are sharing music. It was also fun to talk about the music available from Choraegus that’s suitable for socially-distanced handbell choirs to play!

Thanks to all involved!

Our thanks go to the Holland Area AGO for inviting us to present this handbell program. We’re also thankful to First Reformed Church of Holland for hosting the event and making us so welcome. Thanks to everyone who put on their mask and came along to support and encourage us!

Play Music on the Porch Day 2020 – at Bay View, Michigan

We had a great time taking part in our first Play Music on the Porch Day! This is a worldwide annual event that takes place on the last Saturday in August – but we’d never heard about it until very recently.

It so happened that we were at our summer cottage in Bay View, Michigan on the day of this year’s event… and our cottage has a porch! However, our cottage is next to a busy street, so it’s quite noisy. We decided it would make more sense to borrow a quieter porch, so we headed over to Evelyn Hall, and played handbell duets there for a couple of hours.

As this “performance” was very much a spur-of-the-moment event, we ended up with an audience of just one person, plus some passers-by. It was a good opportunity for us to bring out some of the pieces we hadn’t played since our street-performing sessions in Downtown Holland last summer! We propped a phone up on a table, and managed to get a few videos, admittedly with a terrible camera angle, but you’ll get the idea. The weather started off rainy with a strong breeze, but later the sun came out, and more people started to appear.

You can find more videos from Play Music on the Porch Day on our YouTube Channel!

We enjoyed doing this so much that we’re already planning more random porch music sessions at Bay View. If you missed the opportunity to take part in Play Music on the Porch Day this year, mark your calendars for the end of August 2021!

Play Music on the Porch Day - Michigan handbells

New Handbell Music – Kingsfold, arranged for 6 Bells and Piano

Kingsfold is one of the pieces we performed in the virtual concert at the recent HMA Area 12 “Handbell Encounters” conference.

Kingsfold is an old English tune, also known as Dives and Lazarus. We use it as the setting for the hymns I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say and When Life Well Lived Is At An End. It’s also the Christmas carol O Sing a Song of Bethlehem. People in folk circles know the song as the Irish ballad The Star of the County Down, and also as My Love Nell. Yes, it’s a very versatile tune!

Our 6-bell arrangement is suitable for 2 or 3 ringers to play. Handbell groups are looking for ways to keep playing, with fewer people and social distancing – and this is one of the ways!

Would you like to play this piece?

If you’d like to play Kingsfold, the sheet music is available to purchase, download and print from Choraegus, our music site. You can also purchase a separate mp3 accompaniment track. This could be useful if you don’t have a willing accompanist, or want to rehearse at home.

Important information about Choraegus music

Please note that our music is designed to be downloaded as PDFs. You’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchasing a 6-bell arrangement allows you to print up to three copies for your handbell group (plus the accompaniment score). Purchase also gives permission for recording, broadcasting, live-streaming and sharing on video-sharing sites, church websites and social media. See our licensing agreement for full details. Please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites and social media, and in any printed materials.

If you haven’t purchased music online from Choraegus before, you might like to look at our step-by-step guide. We designed this to help you navigate the purchase and download process in a (we hope!) stress-free way.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. Please contact us if you don’t find the answers you need, and we’ll be happy to help!

New Accompanied 6-Bell Music – Hyfrydol

We used to live in California before we moved to Michigan. We were excited to receive an invitation to teach and/or perform at the recent Handbell Musicians of America Area 12 online conference! We’re officially in Area 5 now, but our Area 12 friends will always hold a special place in our heart.

At the time the invitation arrived, Larry had only just had his shoulder surgery. For that reason, we didn’t feel ready to offer an online class. Instead, we prepared two brand-new 6-bell pieces for the virtual concert at the end of the conference. Hyfrydol is the first of those that we’d like to share with you.

A versatile secular and hymn tune!

Hyfrydol is a much-loved Welsh song, often used as a setting for the hymns Alleluia, Sing to Jesus, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, and Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. Our 6-bell arrangement could be played as a duet, or by a trio of three ringers if you prefer just two bells each. People have said that our six-bell music has been useful for handbell duos where one ringer is more experienced with 4-in-hand technique than the other, but you could just as easily have three bells each. Of course, if one of the ringers is wearing a sling, you have fewer options!

If you’d like to play Hyfrydol, the sheet music is available to purchase, download and print from Choraegus, our music site. You can also purchase an mp3 accompaniment track. This could be useful if you don’t have a willing accompanist, or want to rehearse at home.

Please note that our music is designed to be downloaded as PDFs. You’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchasing a 6-bell arrangement allows you to print and maintain up to three copies for your handbell group (plus the accompaniment score). Purchase also gives permission for recording, broadcasting, live-streaming and sharing on video-sharing sites, church websites and social media. See our licensing agreement for full details. Please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites and social media, and in any printed materials such as church service bulletins.

If you haven’t purchased music online from Choraegus before, you might like to look at our step-by-step guide, designed to help you navigate the purchase and download process in a (we hope!) stress-free way.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us, and we’ll do what we can to help!

Hyfrydol for handbells and piano

New 8-Bell Music – Al die Willen te Kaap’ren Varen

Last week we published our fun arrangement of Calliope House, with a demonstration video filmed at our “All the Way from Holland” concert in California in May 2019.

This week we’re pleased to bring you another piece that we performed during our trip to California. We played this one at the lunchtime concert at the Bay Area Spring Ring. It’s the traditional Dutch tune Al die Willen te Kaap’ren Varen, usually known to us as the “Dutch pirate song”. It’s another one of the pieces we enjoy playing during street performances.

If you’d like to play Al die Willen te Kaap’ren Varen, the sheet music is now available to purchase, download and print from Choraegus. Purchasing this arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your handbell group.

How to purchase handbell music from Choraegus

If you haven’t purchased music online from Choraegus before, you might like to look at our step-by-step guide. We designed this to help you navigate the purchase and download process in a (we hope!) stress-free way. Please note that our music is designed to be downloaded as PDFs. You’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchase gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and online video-sharing. Please remember to mention the title and arranger in any video descriptions and on any printed materials.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us, and we’ll do what we can to help!

Al die Willen te Kaap'ren Varen - 8-bell arrangement

Choraegus Handbell Music in a Time of Social Distancing

These are challenging times for musicians, as we practise social distancing to help slow down the spread of COVID-19. As members of Kalamazoo Ringers, we were disappointed when the decision was made to stop rehearsing for the season. We were all sorry to have to cancel our spring concerts and mini-tour to Ohio. Yes, it was the right decision, but wow, we’d worked hard on all that concert repertoire. We’d really been looking forward to sharing it!

Painful times indeed. However, we still have to do the responsible thing and take care of the health of our family, friends and wider community. So, social distancing it is. Add to that – plenty of hand-washing, catching up with our to-do list, and a bit of rest and relaxation!

Keeping busy as a handbell duo

As a handbell duo, we’re in the fortunate position of being able to continue our own handbell rehearsals as usual. We have bells in our home, and many hours’ worth of 8-bell music. We definitely don’t expect to be bored! We’re working on more 8- and 12-bell music, and will continue making new arrangements available from Choraegus.

Handbell music for social distancing

We’re happy to find that many people are finding our 8- and 12-bell music useful, at a time when many groups can’t get together to rehearse and perform. Churches are increasingly holding services online. Live-streaming is becoming the new way for people to gather in worship together. For handbell choirs that can’t get together to rehearse, 8-bell music could be the answer! We have an extensive selection of hymns, in both standard and surprisingly-easy versions. There’s still time to purchase and download music to share online for Holy Week, Easter, or during the summer months. This could also be a great opportunity to work on 4-in-hand skills!

Music in a time of social distancing
An example of an 8-bell hymn arrangement – Just As I Am (standard version)

The answers to some of your questions

People have been asking us additional questions about playing our music during this time of social distancing, so we’ll answer some of them here:

YES — If you purchased music from Choraegus, you have permission to play the music as part of an online worship service or online performance. Please see the licensing agreement for a few exceptions where additional permission may be necessary.

YES — We give permission for you to live-stream music purchased from Choraegus during a worship service, or to record it as part of the service, for sharing on church websites and/or social media.

YES – If you can’t get together with other musicians to play our music, and you’d like to play all the parts yourself and edit them together, you have permission to do this.

YES – You are allowed to upload any video you make to YouTube or another video-sharing site for the purposes of sharing with others online (see requirement below about crediting the source of the music).

YES — If you can’t get together with a fellow musician to rehearse music, and need to use pre-existing recordings, you are welcome to use our own YouTube videos as part of your worship service, or share our videos on social media or by email.

Things you need to do

Please give the title of the piece, and credit the arranger in your church bulletin or online recording, under the terms of our published licensing agreement. If you post/share a video on YouTube or other video-sharing/social media site, please include a link to www.choraegus.com in the video description.

Questions for us?

If you have any other questions, check our our list of frequently-asked questions. If you don’t find the answer you need, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

We hope you enjoy playing our music, and we thank you all for your support at this time. Take care, and stay healthy!

handbell music in COVID-19 times
At Los Altos Lutheran Church, CA (Photo: Carl S. Gutekunst) – May 2018

New Handbell Music – Gwerzy, for 8 Bells!

Some 8-bell pieces are very easy to play, requiring little rehearsal time. Gwerzy is not one of those pieces. Colm O’Snodaigh and Dee Armstrong, of the Irish band Kíla, kindly gave us permission to arrange Gwerzy for handbells. It’s fun to play, for anyone who enjoys a bit of a challenge.

We first performed this arrangement in California at the 2019 Bay Area Spring Ring. We announced it to the audience as a work-in-progress. To be honest, it will probably always be a work-in-progress for us! We had originally planned to record a 100%-accurate and polished performance of this piece before offering it for purchase. We’ve now decided to let others join in the fun, without waiting for something that might never happen!

Gwerzy – at the 2019 Bay Area Spring Ring in California
handbell sheet music
Gwerzy – excerpt

If you’re feeling insane courageous enough to try this arrangement, you’ll find the sheet music to download from Choraegus.

Things to know about Choraegus handbell music

As always, we strongly recommend that you read the licensing agreement before buying music from us. Please also note that our music is designed to be downloaded as PDFs. You’ll be responsible for printing your own music, and you won’t receive anything in the mail. Purchasing this arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your handbell group.

If you’re new to Choraegus, you might appreciate our step-by-step guide. We designed this to help our customers buy and download music in a (we hope!) stress-free way.

We’re happy to answer questions!

If you have any questions about purchasing or playing our music, please start by reading our Frequently-Asked Questions. If you don’t find the answers you need, please contact us, and we’ll do what we can to help. We hope you’ll enjoy playing our music!

Gwerzy handbells
Together in California, May 2019