We’re going back to long distance… but not for long.
Carla’s traveling back to England today, to attend a funeral. It’s a sad time, and we’ll be back to our old 8-hour time difference for the coming week. We’ll miss each other, of course. On the plus side, though, Carla will be glad to re-connect with family and friends back in the UK. While she’s away, we’ll be making the most of Facebook and Skype to stay in close contact, just like long-distance couples all over the world.

Larry’s face looks sad in the photo, but we’re not really making a fuss about this. We’ve already survived nearly three years in a long-distance relationship, before we got the K-1 fiancée visa and Carla moved from the UK to California. A week apart is nothing compared to the time many couples spend waiting to close the distance. Carla will be busy with funeral things, and seeing friends and family – and for her, the time will probably go far too quickly. Larry will have plenty to do at home in California while Carla’s away. In just a few days’ time, he’ll be driving back to the airport. No problem… right? We can do this!