12-bell classical music is available to purchase and download from Choraegus. Here’s a list of the available arrangements! Admittedly, it’s not a long list at the moment, but Larry has a “to do” list of arrangements he’s working on. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!
Click on a title to visit our music site, where you’ll find more details about each piece. You’ll also find demonstration videos or audio files, and information about how to purchase music from us!
A barcarolle is a song reminiscent of the Venetian gondoliers. Written in 6/8, the rhythm is like the rocking of the boat, or of the water around it. Jacques Offenbach wrote this famous barcarolle – Belle nuit, ô nuit d’amour (“beautiful night, night of love”).
Georges Bizet wrote the music for Alphonse Daudet’s L’Arlesienne in 1872. The Farandole is probably the best-known piece from the suite, and has appeared many, many times since it was written.
Holy is the Lord
Franz Schubert wrote lots of music in his short lifespan of just thirty-one years. This piece is liturgical in nature, but fits well in the classical category with so many of Schubert’s other works.